![Why Pledge NAK?](img/kappa/title-rush-why.png)
- We have a brotherhood that spans beyond normal boundaries. We can go to any of our chapters and feel the brotherhood that is present between brothers at our chapter.
- As a NAK, you will have the opportunity to meet different people, not only here at UC Davis, but at other universities. We provide a social network through means of national conferences, community service and social activities.
- Through out the years, brothers have entered numerous careers fields in engineering, law, medicine and business, etc. This provides a large business network to undergraduates who are looking for full time careers after graduation, internships or scholarships.
- To give back to our communities. We do this by mentoring children, organizing food and toy drives, and providing manpower at several community and cultural events.
- Amongst brothers, we provide moral support for each other by being there and listening to what each brother has to say. We give advice to each other from our own past experiences and personal relationships.
- Brothers have taken a variety of courses in several fields of study. From this, we have been able to archive several books and class material, which is used by brothers for reference in their own courses. In addition, brothers have been taught by several professors and can recommend or warn other brothers of their teaching styles.
- To enhance your professional qualities, such as leadership, teamwork and communication skills. Conducting meetings and presentations, organizing fundraisers, social events and community services, accomplish this.
- Our fraternity has a national graduation rate of 96.2% with our chapter currently accomplishing 100%. Of our chapter-graduated brothers, half of them have decided to continue their education in several graduate programs like veterinary, law, public health, medicine and teaching.